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COmmunity EMployment

We meet the employment needs of individuals with disabilities and support them to locate, obtain and retain community employment as a contractor for the State of Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Rehabilitation Services. We also work with businesses to screen and match job seekers to meet local workforce needs.

For the Job Seeker

Our process begins with discovery. We will work with the individual to collect information about interests, skills, environmental preferences and employment goals focusing on their abilities rather than their disabilities. Discovery is vital in successfully securing rewarding and sustainable employment because it creates a good match for both the employee and employer.

We offer:

  • Skills and abilities assessments
  • Assistance with resumes and applications
  • Job search strategies
  • Interview skills
  • Community employment support
  • Job coaching

    For the Employer

    We will analyze your work force needs and screen and match qualified candidates to meet your specific needs. We will suggest possible accommodations and provide training assistance. Benefits of using The Employment Exchange to meet your personnel needs include:

    • Cost savings
    • Increased efficiency through duty redistribution
    • Increased placement success through pre-screening and on-going support
    • Access to productive, dedicated, enthusiastic employees
    • Satisfied Customers

    Our job candidates can fill your personnel needs in the following employment skill areas:

    • Clerical
    • Manufacturing
    • Retail
    • Food Service
    • Janitorial

    Our son Ryan absolutely loves going to work every day. He loves his assigned duties and loves bringing home his pay check!  We are so fortunate to have this service in our area with great staff and community support!

    Jeff and Sonnie Whittington