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About Us

Horizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides services and supports to people with disabilities and their families. We listen to the people we support, we learn from them and we let their needs and wants guide our services. We serve people in their home communities. Some people need a few hours of support each week while others require around-the-clock support 365 days a year. Some people want jobs, some prefer volunteering and exploring their community, while others have chosen retirement. We support people with disabilities to create and live the lives they choose.


Horizon House of Illinois Valley, Inc. (HH) first opened its doors in 1969. At that time, there were 13 people with disabilities, two paid staff, one blue bus and a budget of $23,000. Today, HH has flourished into multiple sites operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year primarily in LaSalle and Bureau Counties.

Horizon House has not only changed in size, but has also changed drastically in the scope of services for people with disabilities. In the first years of HH, the program was essentially an activity center where people made crafts, worked on puzzles and played games. Today, services emphasize acquiring skills for living and working more independently within the community. HH is dedicated to providing the highest quality services in the most integrated settings possible.

Our staff all work toward a common mission: We are dedicated to providing high quality, effective supports with compassion, expertise, flexibility and creativity. The supports we provide are structured to allow the men and women we serve to have opportunities to live, work and play in the community.

Horizon House has a history of commitment and caring. A volunteer Board of Directors governs the agency. For over 50 years HH has been a part of the Illinois Valley. The support of the community has been vital to our existence and success. The Illinois Valley has opened its doors to the men and women we serve and welcomed them as friends, neighbors and colleagues.


Board of Directors
President: Stacy Newell
Vice President: Cote Klinefelter
Treasurer/Secretary: C. Aleigh Day

Neal Hodges
Amy Baker
Nick Biagioni
Katie Hartauer
Peg Helm
Patrice Hess
Kathy Mueller
Bonnie Steinberg

Management Staff:

CEO: Michelle Rich
Director of Personnel: John Etscheid
Director of Development: Carol Fesco
Director of Finance: Rachel Galetti
Director of Programs and Services: Brenda Weitzel
Director of Maintenance and Transportation: Jonathan Allen

Vision & Mission

VISION:  People with disabilities choose Horizon House knowing we provide high quality, effective supports with compassion, expertise, flexibility and creativity.

MISSION: We will provide customized supports to people with disabilities that promote independence, opportunity and valued membership in the community.


  • We will listen to the people we serve and their families
  • We will respond with supports that help achieve those dreams
  • We will provide services that are efficient and affordable
  • We will continually learn and provide opportunities for growth